
Stella Nova

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Stella Nova

DreamSpace One

To Fly A Proud Ship

By the crew of the USS Essex


"Dock Control, this is the USS Delambre. Do you read?"

"Delambre, this is Dock Control, loud and clear."

"We have a rather large package for you. Request clearance to enter spacedock."

"Clearance confirmed, Delambre. Proceed to Bay Five."

"Roger, Control. Proceeding to Bay Five. Delambre out." Captain Lingard closed off the comm channel, and turned to his navigator. "As soon as we're done here, Mister Weston, I want us underway to the Andor Construction Yards. That load of phase inducers is already two days overdue for pickup."

"Course is already plotted, sir," Ensign Weston replied.

"Ready to lock on to automated entry sequence, sir," the helmsman said.

"Proceed," answered Lingard.

Several kilometres in front of them, the large doors guarding the spacedock entrance began to slide aside, their movement beacons flashing red. Beyond the widening gap could be seen the white approach lights, lighting out the course Delambre was to take. The interior bridge lights of the Ptolemy class ship then changed to blue, indicating that she was now under the control of the dock guidance system. It was possible to fly the ship in on manual, but this was normally discouraged. However, the helm and nav officers kept a close eye on their consoles, just in case of emergency. No one ever took chances in space.

The Delambre and its massive cargo slowly crept past the large sliding doors at the entry to spacedock. They were carefully directed to Bay Five, turning easily in the cavernous interior, to allow their burden to be backed into position. In fifteen minutes they were done, their burden neatly placed next to the giant observation windows at the side of the bay.

"Dock Control," Lingard said, "We are ready to release our tractor beam."

"Affirmative, Delambre," came the reply. "Mooring beams are on standby. Release when ready."

"Now, Lieutenant Q'mein," Lingard said to his Andorian engineer. She tapped a button on her console, and the Delambre cut off the hold on its burden, which was then instantly grasped by the spacedock's mooring beams.

"Delambre, Dock Control. Mooring beams are secured. You are now cleared to depart spacedock. Thanks for the delivery."

"You're welcome, spacedock. She's all yours now. Delambre out," Lingard replied, and closed the channel. "Maneuvering thrusters. Take us out of here," he ordered the helmsman.

"Aye, sir."

"Reverse angle on viewer," Lingard said. "Let's have one last look at her."

A large starship appeared on the viewscreen. She was a Constitution class, still looking majestic despite multiple scars of battle on her otherwise untouched hull. She seemed quite out of place against the more modern ships inhabiting the various docking areas, as if a past ship of the line had returned to observe the new arrivals.

"Sir, why are we putting a ship like that back into spacedock?" the navigator asked. "I thought she was going to be decommissioned."

"'Ours is not to reason why', son," Lingard quoted.

"NCC-1727, USS Essex," the helmsman said, reading the number and name off the screen. "It sure looks like she's seen a lot of action."

"Indeed," answered Lingard. "But now, we have a job to do. Viewer, standard ahead. Stand by for half impulse."

And see! She stirs!
She starts - she moves - she seems to feel
The thrill of life along her keel.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

End of Prologue

Next - Chapter One
